Attendee Hotel


Hotel accommodations for the Bali Immersion Trip will be booked for all CooperVision Guest Attendees once you have completed your registration. After completing your registration, you’ll receive a detailed confirmation email. Hotel reservation confirmation will be sent out in late April.


Please complete your registration and enter your preferred flight details. Please note, all flights should be booked through our travel partner Etak Events; flights booked on your own will not be reimbursed. Once you receive your flight booking confirmation you will be responsible for notifying us of any changes or cancellation.

Arrival date: Sunday, May 21st, 2023 – At your leisure

*APAC  attendees are permitted to arrive on Monday, May 22nd, 2023. All other earlier arrivals must be pre-approved. Please note your request for alternate dates within the registration notes or contact Scott Weston with the event planning team at

Departure date: Thursday, May 25, 2023 – At your leisure

*All departures later than this date must be approved. Please send a request to Scott Weston with the event planning team at

Expense Policies for Bali Immersion Trip

During the event, daily organized meals and beverages will be provided between Sunday May 21st through breakfast on Thursday May 25th. Private ground transportation will be provided in Bali to/from the airport and offsite events.

If you are traveling on a day that is different from the approved travel dates above, CooperVision will not reimburse any additional expenses incurred without prior approval.

Extending Your Stay

Attendees wishing to extend their stay must notify us via registration or email with their requests, prior to making travel arrangements. Note, CooperVision will not reimburse any additional travel or hotel costs beyond the approved travel dates without prior approval. Attendees are responsible for any additional travel costs incurred due to extended stays or guests etc.

Travel Visa

Once you have registered will will notify you in additional documentation is needed for a travel Visa to enter Indonesia/Bali.

COVID-19 Update

Please note when traveling to Bali, you must show proof of vaccination; IT IS REQUIRED upon entry.